Ngā pānuitanga

Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference

AOTEAROA | ONLINE | 27 – 29 APRIL 2022 Through the Tangata Whenua Social Work Association, Aotearoa is hosting the 6th International Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference, which is themed Rangatiratanga: Indigenous Excellence. Rangatiratanga: Indigenous well-being is achieved when Indigenous peoples determine and lead their own responses from within indigenous worldviews and identity.  Te kai a… Read more »

Social workers are in high demand

This World Social Work Day we are announcing the findings from our inaugural Social Workers Demand Survey. Through the survey we aimed to explore the extent of the shortage of social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand and to provide insights to government agencies and decision makers, as well as the broader sector.  The theme of… Read more »

Wānanga for the Programme Recognition Standards Review

He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā wakaThe many pathways of knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all Would you like to have a say in the future of social work education in Aotearoa? Save the date!  We’re reviewing our education standards. We are inviting volunteer partners and… Read more »

Celebrating Pacific Social Work Symposium

The Social Work Regional Resource Centre of Oceania is holding a symposium ‘Celebrating Pacific Social Work’. The free online event will be held on Tuesday the 15th of March 2022 – World Social Work Day. All social workers are welcome to attend, and you can register to attend via this link.

Strengthening the social work profession

“Social workers are a vital and important workforce, with their work on the frontline more challenging and more valuable than ever as they support their communities” says Sarah Clark, Chief Executive of the Social Workers Registration Board on the first anniversary of mandatory registration for social workers. The introduction of mandatory registration in February last… Read more »

Kaiwhakahaere for the Programme Recognition Standards review have been appointed

He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā waka  The many pathways to knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all  The Chief Advisor Social Work, Catherine Hughes along with the SWRB is delighted to announce that Carole Adamson and Shirley Ikkala have been appointed as Kaiwhakahaere to co-lead the SWRB’s review of its Programme Recognition Standards.  They bring with… Read more »

Pacific facilitators wanted for PRS review

Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, and warm Pacific greetings. We are seeking Pacific facilitators to join our review of our Education Programme Recognition Standards (PRS). This is in addition to the roles previously announced where we were looking for Pacific people to join our subject matter rōpū. The facilitators will work alongside the… Read more »

Seeking experienced social workers

Call for expressions of interest to become assessors of social work experience and competence  He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā waka   The many pathways of knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all  We are looking for experienced social workers to become kaiarotake for social work applicants applying to register through the S13: Experience pathway.   Kaiarotake: Assessors of… Read more »

SWRB Chair named on the New Year Honours List

The SWRB is delighted to congratulate SWRB Chair Shannon Pakura on her inclusion in the New Year Honours List 2022.  Shannon is passionate in her advocacy and support for the social work profession and the difference that social workers make in people’s lives. Social workers work with many who need assistance, they make time for those who are afraid and alone, and without fuss, they drop off food parcels… Read more »