Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei –
For us and our children after us

Join us on 3 August 2022 for the annual social service symposium showcasing indigenous knowledge, practice and research. This is a one day live-streamed event committed to culturally responsive practice and meeting Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations.
For further information please visit the symposium page: 2022 Māori Symposium, Hosted online, 3rd of August
Or you can book tickets directly: Select tickets | 2022 Māori Symposium
Keynote speaker
Dame Rangimārie Naida Glavish (Ngāti Whātua)
Keynote Address: “He aha te Tikanga o te Whānau” – What does Whānau/Family mean – to you?
Guest speakers
Ruth Jones (Rongowhakaata / Te Aitanga a Mahaki / Ngati Porou)
Whānau Ora, Enabling good lives and true inclusion of tāngata and whanau whaikaha
Caroline Herewini (Ngāti Kahungunu / Ngā Tuhoe)
Sovereignty of voice
Gerrard Albert (Te Atihaunui-a-Paparangi)
He Awa, He Tangata – Valuing a River and its People
Dr. Monica Koia (Ngāti Porou / Ruawaipu / Ngāti Kahungunu / Te Arawa / Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga)
Whanaungatanga, the importance of this and how whānau view this when engaging with professionals
Shayne Walker (Kai Tahu, Awarua Ngati Kahungunu)
Decoloniality and social welfare
This symposium is a partnership between
- Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers | Te Rōpū Tauwhiro i Aotearoa
- Barnardos NZ
- Social Workers Registration Board | Kāhui Whakamana Tauwhiro