Ngā pānuitanga

The phone system

We’ve been having some difficulties with our new phone system so we’d like to apologise if you’ve been trying to get through with not much luck. Please email us instead on: or if it’s about registration:

Experience pathway: S13

If you have extensive experience practising social work in NZ, here’s a pathway to apply to become registered.

CPD Symposium tickets

Explore social work practice with Māori and Pasifika at a one-day symposium, in Wellington with Justice Joe Williams, and in Christchurch with Kiritahi Firmin. This will contribute towards your CPD, Continuing Professional Development.

Board meeting dates – 2019/2020

The SWRB Board meets throughout the year to approve registration applications. Only a completed application will go forward to the SWRB Board for approval. An application for registration must go through all the required checks and have police results back before going to a Board meeting. Applications that require reviewing prior to approval i.e. Fit & Proper concerns… Read more »

Research project

A researcher at Auckland University is seeking practising social workers with prior criminal convictions for a research project examining their experiences in the social work profession. The project will explore the barriers they have faced and determine the assets and strengths they have brought to the social work profession. Participation in this research will involve… Read more »

Change of address

The Social Workers Registration Board has moved to new premises. You can now find us at Level 7, 110 Featherston Street, Wellington. Our phone numbers remain the same and you can contact us on: 04 – 931 2650 or freephone 0508 797 269.

Workforce survey

The annual SWRB workforce survey is under way and you can take part. The survey is divided into four sections: about you as a social worker, your qualifications, your registration, and your employment. The purpose of the survey is to collect information for an overview of the registered social worker workforce at national and local levels. The information… Read more »

Funding for upgrade

The chief executive of the Social Workers Registration Board, Sarah Clark, is welcoming funding from the Government as a step forward for the Board’s plans to operate as a modern Crown regulator. This is the first time since the SWRB was initially established that the Government has put funding into the Board, a total of… Read more »

Improving public perceptions of social work

The University of Auckland is seeking 10 social workers who would like to be interviewed in regards to their views on how to improve public perceptions of social work in Aotearoa New Zealand. This research is being undertaken by Barb Staniforth (Director Social Work) Slade Dellow (MSWP student) and Catherine Scheffer (MSWP student) of the University of… Read more »

SWRB Welcomes Mandatory Registration

New legislation recognises mana of social work profession The new Social Workers Registration Act recognises the value and mana of the social work profession says Sarah Clark, Chief Executive for the Social Workers Registration Board: Kāhui Whakamana Tauwhiro (SWRB). “We’re delighted to see the new Social Workers Registration Act pass through the house and are… Read more »