Ngā pānuitanga

New workforce reports available   

As Lead Agency for social worker workforce planning, the SWRB is developing its suite of resources for policy makers, employers, sector leaders and others with an interest in social worker workforce planning.   Today we are publishing three new ‘Spotlight reports’ which each focus on the social workers employed by different employers/employer groups: Oranga Tamariki, health… Read more »

Addressing public safety for social worker-like kaimahi

The SWRB has been undertaking work to build our understanding of the social worker-like workforce, including how public safety may be strengthened. Earlier in 2024, we completed a report on addressing public safety for social worker-like kaimahi for the Minister for Social Development and Employment. The report was funded by the Crown alongside the pay… Read more »

Amendments to SWRA 2003 tabled

Legislation relating to amendments recommended in the SWRB 2020 review of the Social Workers Registration Act 2003 (the Act) has been tabled today in the Social Workers Registration Amendment Bill. The Ministry of Social Development holds policy responsibility for the Act. You can read more about what is proposed here: The SWRB welcomes the… Read more »

Application for appointments to the Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal and Social Workers Registration Board

The Minister for Social Development and Employment (the Minister) is seeking nominations for a total of four upcoming appointments to two social sector entities: Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal The Minister is looking to appoint one social worker (not being a social worker whose registration or practising certificate is suspended) to the Tribunal. The… Read more »

Technical issue with MySWRB

We are experiencing intermittent issues with MySWRB. You may experience slower than usual load times and may be logged out randomly. Thank you for your patience while investigations into the cause continue.  Published on 17/04/2024

Emails not being received by the SWRB – temporary issue

This is an important announcement for anyone who tried to email the SWRB between 11pm on 4 April and 1pm 5 April 2024. There has been a temporary problem affecting email delivery which means emails have not been reaching us. Unfortunately, messages sent to any SWRB email address between 11pm on 4 April and 1pm… Read more »

Building a sustainable workforce for the challenges of tomorrow

Today we join others around the globe in celebrating World Social Work Day 2024, acknowledging the role of social workers and the incredible work they do for communities and whānau. As part of marking this day, we are delighted to be publishing our Annual Social Worker Workforce Report 2023 which provides unique insights into the… Read more »

Social Workers Registration Board Decision on fees and levy changes 2024

On this page: Background The Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) has been consulting on proposals to change our fees and the disciplinary levy for social workers in Aotearoa. The consultation was open from 14 December 2023 to 7 February 2024. To set the fees and disciplinary levy, the SWRB uses a cost recovery framework that… Read more »

Publication of the SWRB’s Briefing for the Incoming Minister

The SWRB’s 2023 Briefing for the Incoming Minister (BIM) is available in our publications list, and for download below: Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) are briefings received by incoming Ministers following the formation of a new Government, or when there are changes to ministerial portfolios. This BIM was prepared for Hon Louise Upston when she… Read more »

Māori & Pasifika Symposium 2024

Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – For us and our children after us (Ngāi Tahu) Date: Wednesday 13 March 9am – 4.30pm (NZDT) Join us on Wednesday 13 March for a one day Live-Streamed (& in-person) event to hear new Māori and Pasifika research.  Explore and share indigenous practice initiatives that work… Read more »