Ngā pānuitanga

New Registrar Appointed – Nau mai, haere mai Hamish McDouall!

The SWRB is delighted to announce that the Board has appointed a new Registrar: Hamish McDouall. He joins the SWRB on 1 May. Hamish brings with him a wealth of experience from his distinguished and varied career, which includes serving as Mayor of Whanganui from 2016-2022. He studied law and arts at the University of… Read more »

A vital workforce celebrated world wide 

Today we join others in celebrating World Social Work Day. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the vital role social workers play across the motu and around the globe. Aotearoa has seen even more challenges arise over the past year, which reinforces the ongoing need for passionate social workers to help guide our whānau… Read more »

Exciting project opportunities with the SWRB

He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā waka  The many pathways to knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all Are you looking for an opportunity to use your skills on an inspirational project that will leave a lasting impact on the social work landscape? We have a number of vacancies across two projects: Building Social Worker Capability… Read more »

Pay equity for social workers

The SWRB welcomes recent announcements that the Government is taking action to address the long-standing pay gap for community-based social workers. Today, Ministers announced their decision to extend pay equity to social workers of other iwi and community-based social service providers. This follows on from agreement in October to settle the pay equity claim for… Read more »

Social media: Keeping others safe and upholding mana

The role and influence of social media and the way people and organisations interact with it continues to evolve and raise questions and challenges. We take this opportunity to remind social workers about the values and ethics underpinning the social work profession – put simply, to do no harm and to behave in a way… Read more »

Kia pai te rā Tauwhiro

Message from the Board Chair When I reflect on the past two years, I think of the significant contribution that social workers have made in communities, to different groups, supporting whānau and vulnerable members of our society. The collective effort of social workers made a positive difference to the day to day lives of whānau.  From… Read more »

Nau mai, haere mai! Afio mai Gisa Dr Moses Ma’alo Faleolo! 

The Social Workers Registration Board is delighted to welcome new Board member Gisa Dr Moses Faleolo.  Gisa Dr Moses Ma’alo Faleolo or Moses is a Sāmoan born in Aotearoa and the son of Leaula (Falelima & Sāleaula) and Pepe (Luatuānu’u-Leusoali’i). His paramount chief title, Gisa, is bestowed on him by the village of Falelima in… Read more »

Professional Conduct Committees – new members needed

We are seeking new members to serve on Professional Conduct Committees (PCCs). The PCCs are important in public safety and the regulation of social work by ensuring that social workers are competent and safe to practise. PCCs are independent statutory bodies established to investigate complaints, convictions and reports concerning registered social workers. We are inviting… Read more »


Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – For us and our children after us Join us on 3 August 2022 for the annual social service symposium showcasing indigenous knowledge, practice and research. This is a one day live-streamed event committed to culturally responsive practice and meeting Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations. … Read more »

Building Social Worker Capability

The SWRB welcomes the funding announced in the Government’s Wellbeing Budget 2022 to build Oranga Tamariki Social Worker Capability.  The investment provides $1.5m of ringfenced funding over two years for us to work with Oranga Tamariki on promoting the quality and professionalism of social worker practice. It is an important contribution to Oranga Tamariki’s delivery… Read more »