Ngā pānui

Onboard newsletter – June 2021

It is very grey at the moment as winter takes hold and we get used to more cold days than not. When the sun shines and skies are blue, that always provides an instant uplift in mood. I have also been buoyed by the Registration Team’s hard work (above) who have been answering thousands of… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – May 2021

He tauwhiro ara rau o te whakaaro nui, tēnā koutou katoa! The Practising Certificate round opens shortly on June 2nd which is a month later than usual but we’ve been using the time, working hard to improve the process.  This year you will be able to renew your Practising Certificate*, make your declaration, and pay… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – April 2021

It was wonderful to see so many social workers gather together last month to celebrate the implementation of mandatory registration at an event held on World Social Work Day. Minister Carmel Sepuloni was the keynote speaker and she spoke highly of the resilience, ongoing mahi and compassion shown by social workers over this last year…. Read more »

Onboard newsletter – March 2021

In what is a significant step forward for the profession, New Zealand has moved to mandatory registration of all social workers (from Feb 27th 2021). Anyone who calls themselves a social worker can now only practise if they are first registered by the SWRB.  The title ‘social worker’ is also protected in a move which… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – February 2021

There is some exciting news as we quickly approach mandatory registration on February 27th 2021 – we are very close to having 10,000 registered social workers in New Zealand!   The SWRB team (above) is working hard as the deadline approaches and our registration team is processing hundreds of applications. The message of ‘Stand with… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – January 2021

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, i te tī, i te tā, tēnā koutou katoa I hope you enjoyed a well-earned break over Christmas and New Year and, even with some areas having experienced rain and flooding, that summer is now making its way to your part of the country. It’s an exciting time as… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – December 2020

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei ngā ringa raupā, ngā mihi As 2020 draws to a close, it is right that your work, your determination, spirit, and persistence is acknowledged. Social workers are doing outstanding work as part of the global response to the pandemic crisis. Despite the life-threatening risks presented by the COVID-19… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – November 2020

Hei mokimoki, hei piripiri, kei ngā manu tukutuku, kei ngā tauwhiro o te whakaaro nui,Huri, huri noa, tēnā koutou katoa! I greet our social workers who do such amazing work and to the many voices in our sector, welcome to our November newsletter. As the year draws to a close, it provides a good opportunity… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – October 2020

You may know that we are on a mission to get all social workers registered as the profession steps into mandatory registration early next year.  This will align the social work sector with that of teachers, doctors, nurses, and other regulated professions.    We appreciate your commitment to  being a professional and becoming registered, and… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – September 2020

We’d like to acknowledge the amazing mahi you undertake and the thought and care you show every day when you work alongside tamariki and whānau in our communities.  Your skills, experience and resilience have been needed more than ever in what has been, and continues to be, a very challenging year. Looking ahead, there are… Read more »