Ngā pānui

Onboard newsletter – June 2022

Matariki hunga nui, Matariki ahunga nui, Matariki manako nui At the SWRB, it has given us an opportunity to reflect on the mahi we have done, acknowledge the great work social workers are doing in their communities, learn together and share time (and kai!). We were also fortunate to be able to share some of… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – May 2022

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, i te tī, i te tā, tēnā koutou katoa As we slowly enter the wintery months and cold grey days become more frequent, I would like to emphasise the importance of looking after yourself in these times while also acknowledging the mahi and support of everyone in the sector…. Read more »

Onboard newsletter – April 2022

Ka huri te kei o te waka ki te pae tawhitiKia hoe ngātahi ki te pae tata Turn the waka towards your distant horizonLet us make headway by paddling together as one We begin this edition of OnBoard with celebration – last week our social work team was together in person in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, including… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – March 2022

He tauwhiro ara rau o te whakaaro nui, tēnā koutou katoa! On World Social Work Day, we celebrated the contribution that all social workers make across the globe to social justice, human rights, and collective responsibility. With pride, we acknowledged our profession’s resilience, and unbending pursuit for social change, fairness and equality for all peoples…. Read more »

Onboard newsletter – February 2022

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, i te tī, i te tā, tēnā koutou katoa As we welcome 2022 and continue to navigate these uncertain times, we at the SWRB wanted to say ‘kia kaha’ to our social work sector. We know that for many it’s a difficult time, but hope people were able to… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – December 2021

Kei ngā parikāranga, ngā Tauwhiro o te whakaaronui, tēnā anō tātou katoa As Chair of the Board looking back over the year, I can say it has been one of the toughest but also one of the most rewarding. I want to thank and acknowledge you all for your mahi across the motu. As we begin to… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – November 2021

He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā waka. Tēnā koutou katoa, Our whakataukī continues to shape us and underpin our development as a modern regulator. He ara pūkenga. Knowledge and being evidence-based are essential to our role, whether in workforce planning, enhancing the professionalism of social workers, or as a regulator – ensuring… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – October 2021

Kei ngā ringa raupā o te whānau, kei ngā tauwhiro o te whakaaro nui, tēnā anō tatou katoa!To calloused hands working with whānau, to our valued social workers and those committed to the profession, greetings to you all! The SWRB has recently received a number of queries regarding social workers posting about Covid-19 vaccinations on… Read more »

Onboard newsletter – September 2021

Hei piripiri, hei mokimoki, kei ngā manu tukutuku, Tēnā rā tatou katoa! As New Zealand continues to transition down Alert levels and we enter the promise of spring, we are filled with cautious optimism recognising people’s patience and commitment to everyone’s health and safety. We want to express our support, especially for those in Auckland… Read more »

Onboard: Special Edition – Response to Kahu Aroha Report

He ara pūkenga, he ara Tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā wakaThe many pathways of knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all Tēnā koutou, The SWRB would like to acknowledge the report from the Ministerial Advisory Board into Oranga Tamariki, and to offer support for the recommendations on its social work workforce…. Read more »