Kua riro atu koe, I te tirohanga kanohi
Anei mātou e tangi nei mou kua riro atu ki te pō

With heavy hearts, the SWRB wishes to acknowledge the passing of Whaea Robyn Corrigan.
Robyn has had a long and distinguished career in social work, spanning over 30 years. She was the inaugural chair of the Social Workers Registration Board in 2003, a president of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW) and played an influential role in the international arena, especially in relation to indigenous social work practice. Locally, she was instrumental in establishing the Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association (TWSWA) where she has served as a Kāhui member. Robyn accomplishments were recognised by being awarded an MNZM for services to social work in the Queen’s Birthday Honours last year. Her passion and strength radiated in all the mahi she did.
Robyn held the registration number ‘1’ on the register, and when registration became mandatory in February 2021, Robyn spoke at the celebratory event (see link). We also were fortunate to interview her in August last year for our Onboard newsletter where she was gracious enough to share some professional and personal insights. We share these insights with the sector, an illustration of how she has inspired generations of practitioners.
SWRB is profoundly grateful for all she has done for this organisation, for the support she extended to each subsequent SWRB Chairperson, and enhancing the social work profession.
We send our thoughts and aroha to her whānau at this time.
Nō reira e te hoa, e te whaea,
Haere atu rā koe ki o ihi, ki o tapu I te pō
Moe mai rā.
Shannon Pakura
SWRB Chair