He ara pūkenga, he ara tauwhiro, hei whakamana mātā waka
The many pathways of knowledge, the many pathways of social work, upholding the dignity of all
Would you like to have a say in the future of social work education in Aotearoa? Save the date!
We’re reviewing our education standards.
We are inviting volunteer partners and sector interest groups including iwi and Māori providers and educators, social work representative groups, key employers, all other educators, akonga/tauira, and recent graduates to participate in the wānanga which will be held virtually. People able to speak to the service user and carer voice are especially welcome.
The Zoom sessions for the wānanga are scheduled for 9.30-12.30 on the following dates:
- Thursday 31 March – Governance
- Friday 1 April – Curriculum
- Wednesday 6 April – Field education
- Thursday 7 April – Admission criteria
- Wednesday 13 April – Professional and Stakeholder collaboration
- Thursday 14 April – Staff resources
The education standards (currently known as Programme Recognition Standards) set standards for social work qualifications which can be used to become a registered social worker. They are also important for the future of the social work workforce.
As a regulator, we have the responsibility to prescribe and set standards – and to ensure that graduating social workers are competent and safe to practise.
The education standards are important as they mean that employers, clients, and the public can have confidence in our new graduates, with a shared understanding of the expectations on them to meet our core competencies and the SWRB Code of Conduct.
SWRB is reviewing the standards to make sure they are fit for purpose in a mandatory environment including that they are transparent, and evidence based, and ensure educators are accountable.
This review will be guided by He Arapaki, the SWRB Māori strategy that leads out from the core values of Māia, Matatika, Manaaki and Mahitahi.
You can read more about the PRS Review 2022.
You Can Get Involved!
It’s not too late to express an interest in joining one or more of the wānanga or to join the reference group. For our planning, could you please confirm which of the wānanga you are interested in using the Expression of Interest form below.
On the day of the wānanga you may join in using the following Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3vXkEr6
Note: You will be sent the wānanga meeting link in your confirmation email, you can also access the zoom on the day by following the link above. If dates of sessions change due to COVID, you will be notified.
If for some reason you do not receive the confirmation email, you are still welcome to join on the day via the Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3vXkEr6

Published 8 March 2022, updated 11 March 2022