Message from the Board Chair
When I reflect on the past two years, I think of the significant contribution that social workers have made in communities, to different groups, supporting whānau and vulnerable members of our society. The collective effort of social workers made a positive difference to the day to day lives of whānau.
From the start of the pandemic, our profession displayed its nimbleness. We mobilised as a collective to support others, and we used our discretion and creativity to find ways to do and make things happen for whānau and communities.
We became experts in digital working – learning to use zoom, teams, Facebook, sharing documents online. As we navigated restrictions, social workers worked tirelessly and quietly supporting whānau and supporting each other, despite the challenges and the exhaustion.
My hope for the next couple of years, is that the positive contributions of social workers become more visible to the public. That the value and commitment of social work is recognised.
Social work is a profession that underpins hope for positive change. Social workers invest their time and energy disrupting inequitable systems. Social workers combine hope with human rights, social justice, and advocacy. It is this activism that sets social work apart from other helping professionals.
On this Social Workers’ Day, I encourage you to celebrate the agent of change that is our profession. Stand firm, supported by our values that guide us, advocate and debate for social justice, indigenous and human rights. Resilient and strong often in the face of challenge. Supporting our profession to influence and thrive.
Shannon Pakura
Board Chair